Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Boehme's.

We hope you have had a good year and are ready for the next. We have been busy as usual with the boys. Just a quick run down of our year.

AJ is now 5 he is in preschool for one more year so he will be older instead of the youngest at school. He loves preschool and is reading little words. He like to be the oldest in his class so he can help the others. He has a little girlfriend Cameron. She is a fun girl with lots of energy just like him. He did soccer and swimming lessons this year. He can now swim the pool length wise. He was able to get a goal in soccer and a black eye in the same game.

Marcus and Blake are three. Oh my two three year old has

been trying. Trying to be patient, trying not to go crazy, trying not to laugh when they are in trouble. They are full of it, and I will just leave it at that. The have energy, a great sense of humor and are very smart. They are in preschool also and love it. They also were able to take swimming lessons this summer and are now not afraid of the water. Blake liked being under the water so much we kept loosing him, he would just come up for air and then back under the water. They just had their first preschool Christmas program and did such a cute job.
Matt is still a recruiter with the National Guard. He is working hard, it is a good job, but difficult at the same time. He was able to go to St. George in October before his birthday and road bike in the St. George Century. He biked 101.5 miles. We were so excited for him, it was a great accomplishment. He was able to golf only a few times this year and bike some too. Next year he hopes to do a couple more centuries and remind himself what a golf course looks like.
I am keeping busy with the boys and all the jobs that go with a family and a house. My face painting has taken off and I am doing more than I thought I ever would. I was able to go to the Face and Body Art International convention in Florida this May and take classes from master artists from all over the world. I took second place in my division for cheek art which was quite a thrill. At the beginning of this month I was able to go to Denver to take a master class. It was great I learned so much. Thanks to Matt who made them possible by watching the boys and the house while I was gone.
We have had a nice year and look forward to the next. We hope all is well with you and your loved ones and that you have a healthy and happy new year.

The Boehme's

1 comment:

Angelkisses said...

Very awesome! I need to do a Christmas letter!! I didn't get one out in the mail so that is a great idea! I also need to post my Christmas pics still and new years and my birthday and and and ... Oh is blogging fun or work?!?!?!